Well, the good news is it will only get smaller from there!
That might be good for PA. What about the ice in the lakes around  Michigan they said they had ice until Memorial Day. Here in SC. I'll start mid March. That gets me a 7 month season.  Now 123 days and waiting.
That might be good for PA. What about the ice in the lakes around  Michigan they said they had ice until Memorial Day. Here in SC. I'll start mid March. That gets me a 7 month season.  Now 123 days and waiting.
Not True on Crooked Lake ( 35 miles south of the bridge ), Maybe  the U.P. I don't recall . I live in the Petoskey area ,took delivery 5/19/14 .No ice, water was about 64-65 

I took this pic last April .Marina had the docks in already .

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I think I took delivery May 11th. No ice at all.
That might be good for PA. What about the ice in the lakes around  Michigan they said they had ice until Memorial Day. Here in SC. I'll start mid March. That gets me a 7 month season.  Now 123 days and waiting.

Rub it in Russ, rub it in ..........  :huh:  I'd be on the boat in March as long as it's 55 or above, but docks don't open till April 1st .....  :(
Our dock opens when the wife says it does....
April 1 to November 1 at our Marina 
We're moving in the right direction
Keep it going boys. Keep it going.  Not liking the amount of ice already forming on the lakes. Had to break ice to get the duck hunting boat out of the water 2 weeks ago on Saginaw Bay.  Thought i was in some wierd "Deadliest Catch" movie.  I've never seen ice that thick form up in only a couple of days.  Uggghhhhh
April 1st 

Now that would be a miracle within itself

May 1st is a maybe and I am not sure if that may be too early

Time will tell

I'll stay optimistic (lol)
In Eastern Iowa I saw 3 ice fishing huts on our smaller lake the middle of November... THAT is CRAZY!  
70 Monday and snowed today .... crazy weather .....  :blink:
It is going to be in the upper 40's this weekend here. Come on spring!
Just saw on the news ,90 day forecast for Northern Michigan .Below normal snowfall and above normal temperatures .( hope I didn't jinx it ) :eek: