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I sure hope the weather cooperates ,I have a feeling we in Michigan are about a month behind .

I have been taking a positive approach though.

Last year because of  ordering and cancelling and reordering  we did not take delivery of our SLX until May 31st .

So hopefully if I can get the Ice to melt by May 1st,  we still get another month I didn't have last season .

The worst part is that the RCW is here already .
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SemperFi, Spring is NOT here, nor is it coming tomorrow  :unsure: .  I can't stand it!!!
Only according to the Gregorian Calendar ,according to the Meteorological Calendar it was March 1st .Go Figure  :angry:

SemperFi, Spring is NOT here, nor is it coming tomorrow  :unsure: .  I can't stand it!!!
The shrink wrap comes off tomorrow. Got some cleaning to do. Put on the Bimi. Private Room Curtain, Hook up the battery, (its been charging all winter), Wipe down the cushions,  Hook up the new spare tire onto the trailer. Friday, put the ears on the Merc., hose attached and give the motor a whirl in the yard. Then hook up the car and we're off to the Lake.  I may even put the Benni in the water and try it out. YOU KNOW I WILL. Spring has arrived That's what the weatherman is telling us 70+ for the next 3 or 4 days. Now I know why the wife and I left New England. We get winters here almost every year for a day. The Temp is up and down but no frozen ground, this year more down than usual but it's over. We're no longer the retired couple and I"M A CAPTAIN again. " LIFE IS GOOD "
SemperFi, Spring is NOT here, nor is it coming tomorrow  :unsure: .  I can't stand it!!!
That's cause you're in NY, I'm in PA. We get it sooner !!! Lol !!!
When is the boat going in?
When is the boat going in?
Hopefully next week sometime. I took off Friday, just in case ...... Worst case, we will just go up climb inside, turn on the tunes, lay back on loungers, and relax. At least we will be on it, that's half the battle.
I'm excited for you. 5 more weeks for us.
Ok, took a ride up to lake 10 o'clock this morning, raining pretty good all day, here's a couple pics ......

But now, just found out there's a half inch of snow/sleet all over, roads are covered and accident everywhere ......WTH is with Mother Nature this year ??????


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2 weeks ago it was probably foot thick. It melted fast.
Ok, took a ride up to lake 10 o'clock this morning, raining pretty good all day, here's a couple pics ......

But now, just found out there's a half inch of snow/sleet all over, roads are covered and accident everywhere ......WTH is with Mother Nature this year ??????


So that is what Water Looks Like . :D
Docks open tomorrow !! Woo hoo !!!!
Glad for you SemperFi. I went up to the lake on Saturday and it is still frozen solid.  There was a lot of melted water and rain water on the top but I sis see a an ice fishing man's truck on the lake
Our marina also opens tomorrow ,other that the 14 permanent slips ,it may be a while before the other 36 are put it .
Still several feet of ice in WI, this is just not fair...of course when it is only 80 degrees and folks further South are suffering later on I won't mind.  :)
Talked to my sister in lake Havasu city AZ. They were out on their pontoon last week and it was almost 90 already.