Still several feet of ice in WI, this is just not fair...of course when it is only 80 degrees and folks further South are suffering later on I won't mind.  :)
It would have to be 120 for me to "suffer" ..... The hotter the better. Then again I work in a a/c office all week. I typically don't even use the a/c in my truck unless I'm going to a meeting. I don't want to show up all sweaty and smelly .... :)

On the weekends, let er rip, I will just jump in the water when I start to stink .... LOL !!!!!
Woohoo !!!! It's in !!!!!

You got me there...if you're on a pontoon you can always just jump off (at least if you are anchored or otherwise tethered).  It lloks kind of lonely there all by itself, I think it is saying "where are all my buddies...I want to go play".  :)
I am Jealous   :p
Thanks Michael Scott!
Looks lonely there Smitty.     :wub:
Looks lonely there Smitty. :wub:

Good thing is it's in.

Bad thing is it's the only thing in 380 docks so I'm a little worried. It's like a sitting duck right now in hunting season. I hope they get some more in quick. Oh well, that's what insurance is for.
Woot woot !!!! It's officially boating time !!!!!

I think I got sunburn today ..... :)
We're out tomorrow.
I think I got sunburn today ..... :)
The way you were clipping along there, I'm leaning towards wind burn!!!! Man am I jealous. We had a snow fall warning today, supposed to be 4-5" . It was pretty sketchy driving to the dogs agility training 2 hours away, but we made it! Frigging whiteouts when you meet oncoming cars, not a lot of fun! Then it was -6C and rain/sleet on the way home with about 20 minutes of SUPER thick fog. Yup, heck of a way to spend a Saturday in APRIL! 
Nice SemperFi, what beautiful calm water
The sister in law and her boyfriend came by today with a jet boat they bought over the winter. It was nice to get on the water but it wasn't a Benny! Some big storms went through were our dealer is today so hopefully the boat is ok...

Sweet clip Dave. Any more boats at the marina?
The way you were clipping along there, I'm leaning towards wind burn!!!! Man am I jealous. We had a snow fall warning today, supposed to be 4-5" . It was pretty sketchy driving to the dogs agility training 2 hours away, but we made it! Frigging whiteouts when you meet oncoming cars, not a lot of fun! Then it was -6C and rain/sleet on the way home with about 20 minutes of SUPER thick fog. Yup, heck of a way to spend a Saturday in APRIL! 
Uggghhh ..... that sucks :( ... hopefully you get your weather change soon !!!
Nice SemperFi, what beautiful calm water
It was pretty calm except down the middle where the wind was blowing.....

The sister in law and her boyfriend came by today with a jet boat they bought over the winter. It was nice to get on the water but it wasn't a Benny! Some big storms went through were our dealer is today so hopefully the boat is ok...

Sweet clip Dave. Any more boats at the marina?
Yeah, probably about 10-15 more on the docks. We have like 8-10 on ours. We are on a triple dock, the others are singles. It's slowly filling up. Dealer should be busy for the next month dropping boats. :blink:
Too soon?
181 days "..... :-(
The good news is we are working towards 0 each day!