Floating Matt Storage Option


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Every now and then we have members talking about how to conveniently take their floating water matts out on the boat (where to put them, ways to secure them, etc….). There never seems to be an ideal answer.

I recently came across “The Matt Rack” (see below). It seems like it could be a solution for some members. I don’t own it or have any experience with it. I am not endorsing it in any way. Simply sharing it as a possible option.

Caveat: It secures to a traditional tow bar. Thus, if you don’t have a ski tow bar, then this wouldn’t work for you.*

* On their website they say they are trying to fabricate and test something similar for sky pylons, but currently do not have a product available.

Does anyone in the forums have this item that can share their experience? Member thoughts about this product? If anyone tries it out, maybe report back.

Here is the product website link:
The Matt Rack

YouTube Demo Video:
Matt Rack Demo Video

We have a fairly beefy lillypad, and keep it rolled up on the bow platform. We pop up the cleats, throw a ratchet strap down the hole, and crank it tight. Takes 30 seconds to attach and works as a jumping platform for the kiddos too.
Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 2.56.33 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-03-07 at 2.59.06 PM.png
Thanks for sharing Vikingstaff! I’m not a potential customer but I did add a great song to my playlist.
Not a potential customer myself as we do not haul a pad. However, found it intriguing and of potential interest to others that have brought this up in the past. If one wouldn’t use their front entry gate, CLDave’s set up is simple and cost effective - and looks good for any size matt.. But if front gate is needed, or simply used a lot, a different set up would be helpful to others. Based on how we have to park our boat dockside now, we couldn’t use his set up as front gate and rear are our points of entry - and my wife and company seem to prefer entering through our front gate.

The matt in the Matt Rack also seems small in the pictures and video. If someone is hauling a larger water pad, I wonder if this system is robust enough for it???

And the price is, well, pricey. But if of high quality and flexible on matt size, perhaps worth it to some.
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This is a great idea! We keep our pad on the front deck as mentioned above, which can be a pain sometimes.

This product would be perfect however quite pricey. It has me thinking of how I can get creative and fashion my own to replicate this to save some money. I'm curious if the round clamps have a tendency to "rotate" around the ski bar with forward/reverse movements of the boat.
I'm curious if the round clamps have a tendency to "rotate" around the ski bar with forward/reverse movements of the boat.
I’m curious about this too. I would think it would have to be VERY tight and SECURE to not do so. Gets the mind working as it does otherwise seem like a neat rear storage option.
This is a great idea! We keep our pad on the front deck as mentioned above, which can be a pain sometimes.

This product would be perfect however quite pricey. It has me thinking of how I can get creative and fashion my own to replicate this to save some money. I'm curious if the round clamps have a tendency to "rotate" around the ski bar with forward/reverse movements of the boat.
Rotation on the Tow Bar was a concern of mine also . Unless they have a "pin" through it ?
I also think that the mat in the pic is not very wide ,mine is about 6 1/2 wide .
That company most likely saw the tow bar table Bennington offers and said , hey how about a mat holder ?
I reached out the the manufacturer with some of the questions that have been raised. Here was there answer:

”On the first question. My boat has a 225hp motor, we can go about 45 mph. With that we have zero issue. The clamps are sized so that they are applying sufficient clamping force to keep the unit from rotating at all. For the force on the bar, at 50mph and the mat rolled to a 3' dia, you will generated about 100ftlbs of rotational force on the tow bar. That is considerably less that the force it sees with someone tubing. And finally, the mat in the video and photos is a 6'x15' mat that we sell. We have had customers use the larger 18'x6' mats with no issue. The mat is really of no consequence to the rack, the size of the roll will generate more drag but as i said we worded off of a 3' dia which is really large.”
The mat is really of no consequence to the rack, the size of the roll will generate more drag but as i said we worded off of a 3' dia which is really large.”
I disagree with his statement on mat size and no consequence .The larger the surface area the more resistance there will be .
Those mats are no way streamlined.
Agreed Jack.

My interpretation is testing is based on a 3’ diameter rolled up water matt that is up to 6’ wide. Thus, his statement is accurate IF within the 3’ diameter AND using a 6’ wide matt. Once you go beyond either of those, you are going beyond the drag/wind resistance they tested and it would be a guessing game.

Does that seem somewhat right!?!
Yes ,but do you think weight should be figured in ?
I'm almost positive mine is 6'6" ,it stands taller than I do ,unless I'm shrinking faster than I thought .:p
…it stands taller than I do ,unless I'm shrinking faster than I thought .:p
Are these two things mutually exclusive? ;) :D

I would think weight could eventually factor in, but they also don’t weight to much. More of a size and wind catching problem than weight problem in my mind.

My guess is that weight probably doesn’t play a factory within the 3’ diameter roll they tested them at. AND since you can only get one so big (and that weighs so much) and still roll it up into that small 3’ diameter, I don’t think weight would end up being a factor.

But again, that’s a total assumption on my part. And since I have a turbo swing, not like it’s an option for us anyway. Even if it were, I’m not sure about the price tag that goes with it for what you are getting (?).
I know my wife would like to use our mat ,but until there is an effective way that does not take up our walk way . It's staying in the garage. We have no tow bar at all :cool:
Am I missing something, or is the pontoon in the first photo underway with the outboard motor cover in place?
YES! Didn’t even notice that. I had simply shared that photo from the companies website so people could see it. Someone overlooked something before heading out on their photo shoot…:oops:
They do make covers with vents ,to run while underway. Why I don't know .
I’m about to order one. I get sick of cover on, cover off, run, wash, dry, cover on…..