Stray electricity near your dock?!?


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North Carolina
I was down at our lift installing another owl on a pole overlooking the front of the boat. It was in the mid 90's so decided to go for a swim when I finished. My daughter was with me and she got in before I did. You hear about stories about people getting electrocuted swimming near their docks or swimming pools due to faulty wiring, stray voltage etc. etc. So to be safe I turned off the breaker that supplies power to the entire dock and lift. For those of you that have lifts/docks how can you check for stray voltage and do you shut the power off before swimming around your dock!!?
Following. Neighbors all around have power to docks and I want something to test for stray current. I don’t trust other peoples wiring.
Good reminder. I have dock power but haven’t tested. I never jump in to swim though. I’ll have to look into this
I like that!

What’s something like that cost? I don’t see a price in their site.
If I recall I think it was around $1,100 installed by an electrician, I was having other work to bring the dock up to code so don’t remember exactly. Worth IMO so the kids can swim worry free, I still educate them on what to do if they feel current in the water though, range is only so far.
If I recall I think it was around $1,100 installed by an electrician, I was having other work to bring the dock up to code so don’t remember exactly. Worth IMO so the kids can swim worry free, I still educate them on what to do if they feel current in the water though, range is only so far.

$1100 is nothing compared to a lawsuit or a funeral, not to mention the mental effect of a death.
That's probably the best investment in boating I’ve ever seen on this site!!!!
If I recall I think it was around $1,100 installed by an electrician, I was having other work to bring the dock up to code so don’t remember exactly. Worth IMO so the kids can swim worry free, I still educate them on what to do if they feel current in the water though, range is only so far.
I agree. I have a call to them to inquire about one. Probably won’t happen until next year but will be nice peace of mind.
Went out on the boat today. When we came back in we all got in to swim before going home. But before we all got in I shut off the breakers leading to the dock. Just a habit now to be safe .....